Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Against Affirmative Action - 584 Words

Affirmative action was created to assist minority groups against discrimination, but affirmative action does more harm than what it can do to help. Affirmative action was created with the intention of leveling the playing field so that everyone can have an equal opportunity to be hired or accepted in to a school, but it does the opposite of what it is meant to do. Affirmative action is reverse discrimination against white males, lesser qualified people are admitted into jobs and colleges, and not all people have an equal opportunity to advance. Affirmative action should be abolished because the negatives from the program far outweigh the positives. The program is doing a lot of harm to American society instead of helping. If†¦show more content†¦In eight University of California campuses where affirmative action is no longer implemented the enrollment of black students only declined by 17% and the enrollment of Hispanics declined only by 6.9%. Even without the use of it, minorities are still getting into colleges. There is no need for discriminatory programs like affirmative action because there is not a big difference between minority groups and whites anymore. If some person has the potential and desire to succeed they can succeed. Everyone can do anything they want to do if they have what is takes to enter the university or job. Some people argue that affirmative action is a program of opportunity, and not a program of discrimination. Although affirmative action might be a program of opportunity it only gives opportunity to a select few. If it would give everyone the same opportunity affirmative action would be a good program, but it does not. Minorities are given the upper hand with affirmative action. Supporters of affirmative action also argue affirmative action helps to diversify jobs and schools. Although the program does bring some minorities into jobs and schools, there is a price to pay for it. Whites are not allowed into those places because they need to diversify the schools and workplaces. In order for diversification to happen everyone should be able to be accepted instead of taking in the minorities andShow MoreRelatedAn Argument Against Affirmative Action Essay1716 Words   |  7 PagesPaved with Good Intentions: An Argument Against Affirmative Action Out of the jaws of civil war, the new United States had emerged. Broken and burning and minus 620,000 men, a new challenge lay before the nation: social equality. How would we address the sickening grievances endured by these African American now-citizens? That question has hallmarked fiery debates from dinner tables all the way to the Supreme Court for more than a century. 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